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Current Events: Transgender Military Policy

August 25th, 2017

Today, President Donald J. Trump, issued a memorandum ordering a reversal of policies that had begun to allow transgender people to serve openly in the military that had been put in place by the Obama administration. The move is sickening and heartbreaking for many military service members and their families. Many of which are wondering just what they can do to fight this change of government policy.

It’s estimated that over 134,000 American veterans are transgender, and over 15,000 trans people are serving in the military today. While support for transgender veterans has improved, many still have to overcome a variety of obstacles. These obstacles include obtaining updated service records, and from receiving VA coverage for medical procedures and care.

It's unclear how far the effect of this discriminatory change in policy may reach. Trump wrote in his memorandum, "the previous Administration failed to identify a sufficient basis to conclude that terminating the Departments' longstanding policy and practice [against out transgender military service] would not hinder military effectiveness and lethality, disrupt unit cohesion, or tax military resources. " While the memorandum makes a clear strike towards service members who are transgender, it does not make any mention or allusion to service members who aren't trans but have dependents that are. That may be why discretion has been allowed to the Secretary of Defense and the Secretary of Homeland Security, a move that may become important later on. However, the views held by Sec. James Mattis and H.R. McMaster on the issue are relatively unclear.

What is clear is that Trump is both turning his back on the many LGBT people that voted for him and making an attempt to disrupt the health and well-being of many trans service members and their families. These are people who have fought for this country, spent time away from their families, and earned their right to receive adequate health care. Not only is their health care on the line, so are their jobs...their livelihoods. Additionally, this sends a message to young transgender people that they are not welcome to serve in the military simply because of how they identify.

While this news is disconcerting to the transgender community, there is some good news. The first is that the goal for the new policies implementation is March, 23rd 2018. The second is that congress, the military, the joint chiefs of staff, and the two secretaries specifically mentioned in the memorandum; may provide Trump a recommendation to the contrary that he finds convincing. And the third is that two lawsuits are expected to take this policy change head on. One of these lawsuits was filed by the NCLR(National Center for Lesbian Rights and GLAAD seeks to file an injunction to halt enforcement of the policy. The other will be filed as soon as Monday by Lambda Legal and OutServe-Servicemembers Legal Defense Network.

Find out more about advances and challenges for transgender veterans and service members, and how to get support.
Transgender American Veterans Association

National Center For Transgender Equality

GLAAD Transgender Media Program

GLBTQ Legal Advocates and Defense

If you click the "Merch" Link towards the top of the blog and buy a customizable T-shirt, I'll donate all the royalties I make from the sales from August 25th to September 15th to the GLBTQ Legal Advocates and Defense to aid them in the fight for transgender military service members.

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